Caring life coaching is just a call away!

Charlotte Ann, Retired RN, BSN, MSN/ed, Family Nurse Practitioner

40 years of professional experience in busy, patient-focused medical settings, a lifetime of personal caring…

Charlotte Ann is a retired medical practitioner with decades of caring, professional experience. Her credentials include RN, BSN, MSN/ed, Family Nurse Practitioner as well as having co-owned a family medical practice for 19 years and owning and operating an in-home caregiver service.

Retired from the medical field, she now focuses on helping people from all walks of life with her incredible ability to assist in identifying limiting patterns with her personal one-on-one life coaching sessions by phone and hybrid online courses.

A personal note from Charlotte Ann

Our lives have changed over the last few years. There are many challenges awaiting. There are times we need someone to help prepare for these events.

You have been knocked down and learned to pick yourself up. Learning with each experience, skills to help with the next fall. Gradually, you will become stronger.

Learning to love yourself is crucial. When you are able to love yourself, you will be able to care for yourself and share love with others.

Learning to love yourself can be easy during the good times but, more difficult in the stressful times. When you develop radiant resilience, you have the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. You bounce back easily like a rubber ball.

I love ME…..I love me unconditionally. I am not rich. I am not beautiful. I am not perfect but, I am me and I am happy with me.

You can obtain what I have. Success: obtaining your desired goal or purpose.

Please let me help you.

Call and schedule an appointment.

Combination research has been obtained on the materials presented.

My Mission

Happiness is a learned behavior. This is so much more than a tagline or catch phrase – it’s the beginning of living a fulfilling life! A life that is free from self-doubt, shame and regret. A life overflowing with meaning and purpose.

Just as we learn how to tie our shoes or drive a car, we learn how to navigate our way through the ups and downs of every moment, of every day, of every year. What we do most often becomes what’s normal for us.

My focus isn’t on helping you unlearn what’s brought you to this moment. You can’t unlearn how to tie a shoe, and it wouldn’t even be in your best interest to forget how to tie a shoe. My goal is to help you learn how to create a new behavior, one that brings with it so much personal freedom and happiness that it can override a lifetime of negative self talk, self sabotage and low self esteem.

You are not broken. You just haven’t had anyone teach you how to navigate a complicated environment or circumstances that have assisted you in creating the methods and habits you currently use in coping with internal and external situations.

You can learn how to have an abundance of self esteem. You can learn the power of forgiveness. You can learn that being alone and being lonely are not synonymous.

YOU can do this. I can help.

Start Learning Tools To Be Happier Today!

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